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London Is Our Town

a curated list of reviews, restaurants, bars and attractions in London.

London Restaurants

Nutshell Restaurant Soft Launch Review

When the bread arrives and makes you swoon, you know that something good is happening. But when you rip a chunk off and it tears away with a satisfying fluffy yield, like a salty golden crusted cloud, and you dunk it into a Tapenade that exists solely to please you...

A beautifully decorated dish of Smokey aubergine at Nutshell London
London Restaurants

Angelina Dalston

Soft launches in London are always a bit hit and miss but Angelina managed to be both hit and miss. It all started relatively good, with an inviting, dark façade and beautiful, stylish interiors welcoming us in from the cold empty streets of Dalston. But with the...

Angelina Restaurant in Dalston, East London
London Restaurants

Hutong At The Shard

We speed up in the elevator at such a rate that I don't notice the first 32 floors that we pass by on the way to the 33rd. It's smooth and the interiors of the lift are sleek and pine scented. As the doors open, we're greeted by a huge map of the city and just a...

The Dim Sum Platter at Hutong in The Shard London

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