Sunset At Piazzale Michelangelo

One of the most beautiful ways to enjoy the Renaissance rooftops of Florence’s skyline is by viewing it at sunset at Piazzale Michelangelo, high above the streets of Florence’s old town.

The best way to get to Piazzale Michelangelo is to ascend the stairs just above San Niccolò, where you’ll be greeted by a wonderfully clear, blue sky that, as time goes on, gently fades into the most beautiful of tangerine sunsets. glazing the waters of the Arno with a mirror-like sheen, and casting the whole of Florence in a romantic, abstract haze, not unlike Monet’s Impression, Sunrise (only with the captivating silhouettes of Florence’s impeccable time-defying skyline).

This typical 19th-century viewing terrace was designed in 1869 by the Florentine architect Giuseppe Poggi and offers what are easily the most revered panoramic views of the entire city of Florence and the Arno Valley. All kinds of plans were laid out for the terrace, including a Michelangelo museum, in what is now a restaurant at the top of the hill, most of which never came to light. However several Michelangelo copies, including a David made from bronze, reside at the top.

Be aware that the terrace is almost always full with gipsy bands and street vendors mingling with tourists and locals out for the sunset.

Below: Sunset over The Ponte Vecchio From Piazzale Michelangelo & The Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore From Piazzale Michelangelo.

How To Get To Piazzale Michelangelo?

Simply look up when you’re anywhere on the river Arno (within Florence of course) and you’ll see a mass of people peering over an old brick terrace surrounded by the lush green hills of the Tuscan countryside and one or two very beautiful churches. Then simply walk along the south side of the river towards the Torre San Niccolò (an old tower from the medieval city walls)  and then follow the glorious looping ramps and rocky paths all the way up to the top of the hill.

Alternatively for those that prefer taking on a slightly challenging set of (a couple of hundred) steps. Start at San Niccolò and head through the Porta San Miniato gateway, up a short though admittedly rather steep street, and then point yourself in the direction of the wide stone steps that lay to the left of the pathway. This is by far the quickest route for walkers and also my favourite. As you walk up the steps don’t be afraid to take a break or two and be sure to turn around, as you climb higher and higher above the streets of Florence, you’ll note that the view becomes more and more spectacular.

You can also take the bus to Piazzale Michelangelo. The bus number 12 or 13 both go there. From the train station, either of these busses will take you up to Piazza Michelangelo and will cost approx €1.20 each way (purchase the ticket in advance at a tabaccheria/tobacconist or from the Santa Maria Novella Station).

Alternatively, Florence has finally introduced contactless payment on their buses and trams, so just tap when you board the bus and again when you leave, using a smartphone or your Mastercard, Visa or American Express.

For comparable views directly from your hotel, try the excellent Gallery Hotel Art: Lungarno Collection, home to the excellent Fusion Bar and Restaurant (read my review).